Following introduction of the measles vaccine, there have been several outbreaks of diseases "clinically similar" to measles, raising questions about the efficacy of the measles vaccine
My granddaughter is heavily vaccinated aged 4 yrs. She has had X2 of these 4 in the last two years. She is always sick. Sounds correct to me. So sad her mother is totally fine to give all vaccines to her. It has to do with subsidies for childcare and the mandatory side of things in Australia also. Love your work, thankyou
People believe what public health officials tell them, truth or lie. When they repeat it over and over again, the majority of people take it as a fact. Brainwashing is a PLANDEMIC…
A vaccine that never protects and will bring on the dis-ease instead.
The salt restriction directive brings on heart dis-ease and every other chronic dis-ease.
Salt restriction causes dehydration or low salt/hyponatremia (same same). Hyponatremia is an emergency. All emergencies are managed by the adrenals. The adrenocorticol hormones are deployed. They raise blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Chronic dehydration causes T2 diabetes, dementia especially in women because women need more salt than men.
Click on my blue icon to read my three articles. I tip over a few sacred cows, curiosity will help you ponder.
My granddaughter is heavily vaccinated aged 4 yrs. She has had X2 of these 4 in the last two years. She is always sick. Sounds correct to me. So sad her mother is totally fine to give all vaccines to her. It has to do with subsidies for childcare and the mandatory side of things in Australia also. Love your work, thankyou
I found you via Sacha. What a wonderful researcher you are! So happy to have found another voice talking truth!
Great overview, thank you. What has been done to us by these entities cannot even be described…
People believe what public health officials tell them, truth or lie. When they repeat it over and over again, the majority of people take it as a fact. Brainwashing is a PLANDEMIC…
Great post.
Thank you - I've added a link to your article here -
Medicine is mostly gaslighting.
A vaccine that never protects and will bring on the dis-ease instead.
The salt restriction directive brings on heart dis-ease and every other chronic dis-ease.
Salt restriction causes dehydration or low salt/hyponatremia (same same). Hyponatremia is an emergency. All emergencies are managed by the adrenals. The adrenocorticol hormones are deployed. They raise blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Chronic dehydration causes T2 diabetes, dementia especially in women because women need more salt than men.
Click on my blue icon to read my three articles. I tip over a few sacred cows, curiosity will help you ponder.
Makes one wonder if measles is somehow protective against RMSF and KD. It makes heart disease less likely in adult males who had it as kids.
Maybe it was just rebranded as “chicken pox”?